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Jake almost collided with him when he came out of the building.  What the hell
are you shouting about?
Cam thrust the files into Jake s face and jabbered,  These files. These were at the
doctor s place in Tahoe, remember? I went through them like you said. This is bloody
strange mate& 
Jake took the files and, while opening and looking through the first one, said,
 Get a grip on yourself Cam, with a deep, authoritative voice.
Cam stammered,  Sorry mate. I got excited. We got  em. We finally got  em
Quigley and Marti had moved up beside them. Marti patted Cam on the arm.
 Calm down Cam. We ve all found out some new information today. We have to absorb
it all.
A glimmer of rage shown through Jake s face when he lifted it to make eye
contact with the others. They were waiting to hear what the files contained.  It would
seem the good doctor told the truth. He was blackmailing his patients and these five in
particular. He held the files up.  Connie Braxton, diagnosed with maniac depression,
Brian Denton, diagnosed with suicidal tendencies because of his homosexuality, Wayne
Bramson, wealthy son of Edgar Bramson, owner of the cosmetics company in Atlanta.
And, surprise, surprise, this company is the one that manufactures the mint lipstick our
killer likes to use. The last two of the good doctor s patients are Russell Frasier, being
treated for violent sexual tendencies, and Amanda Scott for her propensity for being a
victim of any kind to anybody. Jake sighed with disgust.  My God, I thought they were
all at least marginally normal. I must be losing my touch to have missed these five.
 Who s Wayne Bramson? Quigley asked while glancing at the files Jake handed
to him.
 He s our Holiday Killer, I d say, Marti responded while looking over Quigley s
arm at the file.  Violent behavior, obsessive but violent attachment to his mother,
southern born&  She looked up at Jake.  It s all here Jake; every bit of it.
 Yes, but who the hell is he now? And where is he? Jake growled with
 He s attending some big party in the city and Connie is going there to kill him,
Quigley said in response.
 How the hell do you know that? Cam asked, surprise on his face.
 The doctor told me before he blacked out. He said Connie was using him to get
this man s name. She intends to kill him and, after what I saw in her house earlier, I m
inclined to agree with him.
 What did you find in her house? Marti asked, looking up at him.
 I found a small trunk full of newspaper clippings about every killing since the
beginning of last year. I also found computer printouts, photos, business records and a
mountain of other documents relating to this case. Too much for me to go through right
then. And, when I found the blueprints to this place&  He nodded at the shelter.  & my
gut told me I d found our killer. He frowned.  At least one of our killers anyway. She s
been working on finding this killer for a very long time, I d say, Quigley replied.
Cam s face was pale as he asked,  But why? Why is this bloke so important to
her; enough that she s willing to kill?
 We don t know Cam but we better find her and this man, and fast, Jake stated.
He turned to Quigley with urgency in his voice.  Did the doctor say where in the city?
Quigley s face screwed up in concentration before clearing.  Yes! He mumbled
Golden Gate flowers. I thought he was hallucinating but I think he was trying to tell me
the park; Golden Gate Park, the botanical gardens.
Cam snapped his fingers.  That s right! Toyboy told me there s some fancy
costume ball for charity going on there tonight. That must be it.
 Yes, and it says here that Wayne Bramson owns an apartment overlooking the
park and that he s the chairman of the Gay Rights organization in the city. I d venture to
say that this man will be there in the limelight and Connie will be there to greet him with
open arms.
Marti checked her watch.  What time is this thing supposed to start? She
searched the three men s faces, waiting for an answer. None replied.  Do we even have
some kind of description for this Wayne guy? How are we going to find him there? This
thing is bound to attract thousands.
Jake handed her the man s file.  All I can see in there is his age; 42 years old.
That doesn t give us much to go on.
 Surely the man will be easy to find if he s hosting this shindig, Quigley replied.
Jake didn t answer; he pulled his cell phone out and dialed a number instead.
When it connected he said,  Gen, can you find a description and the address for a man
named Wayne Bramson? He lives in San Francisco and chairs for the Gay Rights
organization. Sure. Okay. He hung up and met three pairs of eyes watching him
expectantly.  She ll call when she gets it. In the meantime, I d suggest we take one car
and get our asses to the city as fast as we can.
January 1
11:30 P.M.
Every street for blocks around Golden Gate Park was bumper to bumper with
parked cars; some legally, most illegally. Jake made the circuit around the huge, gaily lit,
city park looking for a place, any place, to park the Cougar. His hands clutched the wheel
with a death grip that became increasingly tighter and tighter as each minute ticked by.
Marti, Cam and Quigley all craned their heads out the windows, searching for any
clear spot to park. Crowds of costumed merry-makers walked in groups along the
sidewalks and overflowing onto the streets, clogging them with wall to wall people, and
making the going even slower and more frustrating. Many were drunk and, in spite of the
winter cold, half-naked, dancing and singing with mindless abandon.
When the car reached one of the main entrances to the park again, Jake spat out,
 Damn it to hell! and jerked the wheel to the right, pushing through the milling crowd of
revelers at a dangerous speed, and onto the wide walkway leading into the park. Many of
the people crowded around the car swore, hit the top and hood with closed fists and threw
bottles of liquor at them as the Cougar passed.
 Jake, what the hell are you doing? Marti screamed when a bottle thrown at the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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