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tabulation for computation of tidal datums, head of tide is
low water (now mean lower low water) when the type of
the inland or upstream point where the mean range
tide is diurnal. See National Tidal Datum Convention of
becomes less than 0.2 foot. Tidal datums (except for mean
water level) are not computed beyond head of tide.
Gulf Coast Low Water Datum line The line on a
high tide Same as high water.
chart or map which represents the intersection of the land
high water (HW) The maximum height reached by
with the water surface at the elevation of Gulf Coast Low
a rising tide. The high water is due to the periodic tidal
Water Datum.
forces and the effects of meteorological, hydrologic,
Gulf Stream A North Atlantic Ocean current setting
and/or oceanographic conditions. For tidal datum
northeastward off the east coast of the United States. A
computational purposes, the maximum height is not
segment of the Gulf Stream System, the Gulf Stream
considered a high water unless it contains a tidal high
extends from the region off Cape Hatteras to an area
southeast of the Grand Banks at about latitude 40° north,
high water, full and change (HWF&C) Same as
longitude 50° west. It continues the flow of the Florida
establishment of the port.
Current to the North Atlantic Current.
high water inequality See diurnal inequality.
Gulf Stream System The continuous current sys-
high water interval (HWI) See lunitidal interval.
tem composed of the Florida Current, Gulf Stream, and
high water line The intersection of the land with
North Atlantic Current.
the water surface at an elevation of high water.
high water mark A line or mark left upon tide flats,
beach, or along shore objects indicating the elevation of
h Rate of change (as of January 1, 1900) in mean
the intrusion of high water. The mark may be a line of oil
longitude of the Sun.
or scum on along shore objects, or a more or less
h = 0.041,068,64° per solar hour.
continuous deposit of fine shell or debris on the foreshore
half-tide level Same as mean tide level.
or berm. This mark is physical evidence of the general
halocline A layer in which the salinity changes
height reached by wave run up at recent high waters. It
significantly (relative to the layers above and below) with
should not be confused with the mean high water line or
mean higher high water line.
harmonic analysis The mathematical process by
higher high water (HHW) The highest of the high
which the observed tide or tidal current at any place is
waters (or single high water) of any specified tidal day due
separated into basic harmonic constituents.
to the declinational effects of the Moon and Sun.
harmonic analyzer A machine designed for the res-
higher low water (HLW) The highest of the low
olution of a periodic curve into its harmonic constituents.
waters of any specified tidal day due to the declinational
Now performed by electronic digital computer.
effects of the Moon and Sun.
harmonic constants The amplitudes and epochs of
Humboldt Current Same as Peru Current.
the harmonic constituents of the tide or tidal current at any
hydraulic current A current in a channel caused by
a difference in the surface elevation at the two ends. Such
a current may be expected in a strait connecting two bodies nations. Its principal publications include the Hydrographic
of water in which the tides differ in time or range. The Review and special publications on technical subjects.
current in the East River, New York, connecting Long intertidal zone (technical definition) The zone be-
Island Sound and New York Harbor, is an example. tween the mean higher high water and mean lower low
hydrographic datum A datum used for referencing water lines.
depths of water and the heights of predicted tides or water interval See lunitidal interval and lunicurrent inter-
level observations. Same as chart datum. See datum. val.
inverse barometer effect The inverse response of
I sea level to changes in atmospheric pressure. A static
incremental shaft encoder A component of a water reduction of 1.005 mb in atmospheric pressure will cause
level gauge for converting length to a shaft angle on a a stationary rise of 1 cm in sea level.
rotating disk. The position of the rotating disk is deter- Irminger Current A North Atlantic Ocean current
mined by single or dual optical or magnetic sensors to setting westward off the south-west coast of Iceland.
provide an electrical output. No electro-mechanical isanostere An isopleth of either specific volume
components or gears are used, so extremely low torque is anomaly or thermosteric anomaly.
required to move the float wheel, wire, and float isobar An isopleth of pressure.
mechanism. isobaric surface A surface of constant or uniform [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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tabulation for computation of tidal datums, head of tide is
low water (now mean lower low water) when the type of
the inland or upstream point where the mean range
tide is diurnal. See National Tidal Datum Convention of
becomes less than 0.2 foot. Tidal datums (except for mean
water level) are not computed beyond head of tide.
Gulf Coast Low Water Datum line The line on a
high tide Same as high water.
chart or map which represents the intersection of the land
high water (HW) The maximum height reached by
with the water surface at the elevation of Gulf Coast Low
a rising tide. The high water is due to the periodic tidal
Water Datum.
forces and the effects of meteorological, hydrologic,
Gulf Stream A North Atlantic Ocean current setting
and/or oceanographic conditions. For tidal datum
northeastward off the east coast of the United States. A
computational purposes, the maximum height is not
segment of the Gulf Stream System, the Gulf Stream
considered a high water unless it contains a tidal high
extends from the region off Cape Hatteras to an area
southeast of the Grand Banks at about latitude 40° north,
high water, full and change (HWF&C) Same as
longitude 50° west. It continues the flow of the Florida
establishment of the port.
Current to the North Atlantic Current.
high water inequality See diurnal inequality.
Gulf Stream System The continuous current sys-
high water interval (HWI) See lunitidal interval.
tem composed of the Florida Current, Gulf Stream, and
high water line The intersection of the land with
North Atlantic Current.
the water surface at an elevation of high water.
high water mark A line or mark left upon tide flats,
beach, or along shore objects indicating the elevation of
h Rate of change (as of January 1, 1900) in mean
the intrusion of high water. The mark may be a line of oil
longitude of the Sun.
or scum on along shore objects, or a more or less
h = 0.041,068,64° per solar hour.
continuous deposit of fine shell or debris on the foreshore
half-tide level Same as mean tide level.
or berm. This mark is physical evidence of the general
halocline A layer in which the salinity changes
height reached by wave run up at recent high waters. It
significantly (relative to the layers above and below) with
should not be confused with the mean high water line or
mean higher high water line.
harmonic analysis The mathematical process by
higher high water (HHW) The highest of the high
which the observed tide or tidal current at any place is
waters (or single high water) of any specified tidal day due
separated into basic harmonic constituents.
to the declinational effects of the Moon and Sun.
harmonic analyzer A machine designed for the res-
higher low water (HLW) The highest of the low
olution of a periodic curve into its harmonic constituents.
waters of any specified tidal day due to the declinational
Now performed by electronic digital computer.
effects of the Moon and Sun.
harmonic constants The amplitudes and epochs of
Humboldt Current Same as Peru Current.
the harmonic constituents of the tide or tidal current at any
hydraulic current A current in a channel caused by
a difference in the surface elevation at the two ends. Such
a current may be expected in a strait connecting two bodies nations. Its principal publications include the Hydrographic
of water in which the tides differ in time or range. The Review and special publications on technical subjects.
current in the East River, New York, connecting Long intertidal zone (technical definition) The zone be-
Island Sound and New York Harbor, is an example. tween the mean higher high water and mean lower low
hydrographic datum A datum used for referencing water lines.
depths of water and the heights of predicted tides or water interval See lunitidal interval and lunicurrent inter-
level observations. Same as chart datum. See datum. val.
inverse barometer effect The inverse response of
I sea level to changes in atmospheric pressure. A static
incremental shaft encoder A component of a water reduction of 1.005 mb in atmospheric pressure will cause
level gauge for converting length to a shaft angle on a a stationary rise of 1 cm in sea level.
rotating disk. The position of the rotating disk is deter- Irminger Current A North Atlantic Ocean current
mined by single or dual optical or magnetic sensors to setting westward off the south-west coast of Iceland.
provide an electrical output. No electro-mechanical isanostere An isopleth of either specific volume
components or gears are used, so extremely low torque is anomaly or thermosteric anomaly.
required to move the float wheel, wire, and float isobar An isopleth of pressure.
mechanism. isobaric surface A surface of constant or uniform [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]